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Weekly Report 2 ~ 'September'

Weekly Report 2 ~ 'September'

Now entering the first few days of September and the third week of ISM, things are starting to get really exciting. And stressful. Last Friday we gave our 3 to 4 minute introductory speeches to the class. Overall it went pretty well, as my peers and Mr. Speice were able to provide really good feedback to help improve my public speaking skills and my speech as a whole. They suggested that pausing in one’s speech sounds more professional than saying ‘um’ or ‘uh’ when it comes to regathering their thoughts. They also mentioned how important it is to smile when speaking in front of an audience because of how it makes the presentation more inviting and relatable to the listeners.

Some of the upcoming assignments for next week include the first assessment and the contact list, which are both due on Friday. I am most excited for the contact list because I get to go out and research, and hopefully find some of my potential interviewees and/or mentors for ISM this year. Finding the perfect mentor is extremely important because it will be the person that is going to provide me with the knowledge and experience needed to kick start my career as a young professional.

Overall, this past week has been really successful not only because of my presentation to my peers but because this past weekend was a holiday weekend and I was able to work ahead in my assignments and get things done before their due date which takes a lot of stress of my shoulders for this week.

Even though it will be busy, I am excited for this upcoming week and to see where it will take me in my ISM journey.

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