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Weekly Report 23 ~ Take It or Leave It

Weekly Report 23 ~ Take It or Leave It

This past week in ISM, I had a mentor visit with Ally to discuss the success of our announce posts on social media for the Houndmouth show in April. Overall, we did break even on the post we boosted on Facebook however the amount was not as much as we hoped. We found that even though we have been selling a lot of tickets, we think we overestimated the age of the general audience and used the incorrect media outlet to do our most prominent promotion on. Because Facebook was used the most for our social promo and is mostly used by target audiences consisting of an older age range, we didn't reach as many people as we wanted. This made us reconsider the age range of Houndmouth’s audience and change our original plan in order to eventually switch tactics and chose a more age appropriate promo outlet.

This mentor visit with Ally was really important for me as a learning opportunity because it revealed what happens and how we analyze a show’s progress when we make and follow through with an incorrect estimate of specific audience traits needed to market successfully. I am now able to understand how we can fix these things, and how we can identify a problem by looking at the statistics in ticket sales and the revenue made.

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