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Weekly Report 31 ~ Beyond

Weekly Report 31 ~ Beyond

This past week and weekend has been especially productive for me and for the final steps of my final product because not only was I able to due my mock final presentation night presentation during the week, I had two mentor visits this week that have helped me get a lot of stuff done towards the completion of my final product.

The last steps of my final product is to create a mock ‘recap’ or analysis presentation that Ally and I would send to the artist’s management team for them to see how successful we were, how much we made, and how we targeted and promoted the show. Overall, because we were able to sell out the show, our statics for our promotions, sales, and consumer traits have been very good which means we are able to have something positive representing us when we sent our results to artist management. The power point is just a more professional and visually pleasing way to show off our data from our show after its announce, so it contains almost everything we did from February to show date on April 21st.

During our two mentor visits over the weekend, on Friday, Ally and I were able to draft and plan out our presentation, and then we got to actually put it together when we met on Sunday. I have really enjoyed putting the slideshow together so far because it has been interesting to reflect on our success and our marketing process from start to finish. I also enjoyed getting to look back at how much I have changed from the beginning of our final product to now, and to see how much I improved as a student and as a professional.

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