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Weekly Report 25 ~ Getting Closer

Weekly Report 25 ~ Getting Closer

Over the course of this past week in ISM, I had a mentor visit with Ally where we discussed my homework to analyze our Facebook ad trends, learned about ‘dark’ posts in social media, and hung up and swapped out posters around and in Granada and their restaurant ‘Sundown at Granada’. The homework that we discussed were my answers to the questions that she gave me which went over the statistics and success of our Facebook posts for Houndmouth. I had to look at the ‘total conversion rates’ of each post and determine if we were successful in targeting. I also had to compare the conversion rates with our initial spend to see if our ROAS, or return on ad spend, was profitable and worth the investment. On both our Houndmouth announce post, and our on-sale post, were successful and sustainable in profit making us over $900 in return.

In the other portion of our mentor visit, I was able to learn about what a dark post was and how to communicate to artist management to receive the permission for one. I learned that a dark post is a post made through the artists social media account by an advertiser, or in this case the marketing team for each venue. However, although it is made through the artists’ accounts, it does not show up on their account and is simply visible to those it is marketed to, such as people in Dallas over the age of 21.

Everything we did at last week’s visit was beneficial towards the final product and towards my future career in the sense that I can now analyze my marketing in addition to just performing it. I am excited to continue working with Ally for our final product that is already less than a month out. And as we wrap up the maintenance portion of our marketing process and move into the closing, I am excited to see what that looks like and what it entails in order to end with the show being as successful as possible.

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