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Weekly Report 12 ~ 'Dreams'

Weekly Report 12 ~ 'Dreams'

Week 12 of ISM and November is almost over. I have gone on 4 interviews, and was finally able to get my ISM mentor for this year. Her name is Ally Sandoval and she is the marketing coordinator at the famously known Granada Theater in Dallas. I got to meet with her at Summer Moon Coffee in Frisco last Monday and I really enjoyed talking with her about her career. Because the venue she works at is independently owned, she has a lot more jobs than the typical marketing coordinator would have. She manages 4 different social media accounts and evaluates her company's ticket analytics. Ticket analytics are when a company or venue can track how many tickets are being bought from a specific source. For example they can look and see if the pop up ad they put out for Facebook sold more than their ad from the Granada Weekly Newsletter. She told me they could do this because in all of Granada’s ads, there is a tracker built into each ad which allowed them to see and graph that information. I thought this was really interesting because she showed me her spreadsheet that had all the statistics from the recent ads, and I had never really seen the behind-the-scenes side of marketing before.

After meeting with Ally, I definitely wanted to ask her to be my mentor. Out of all the professionals I interviewed, she had the most passion for her job and I could relate to her the most. Similar to me, not only did Ms.Sandoval grow up in Frisco, she had and still has a love for concerts. When I asked her to be my ISM mentor, she was almost as excited as I was and was providing me with all kinds of ideas and ways to go about my original work idea, which made me really excited to start working on my plan.

Finally after interviewing with my now mentor, Ally Sandoval, I can tell this is going to be a fun and exciting next semester and I cannot wait to see where I will go in my research with her this year in ISM.

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